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brvrbt [2019/02/24 02:43] yairbrvrbt [2019/06/05 13:56] (current) yair
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-{{:brvrbt:ants_circle.mp4|ants_circle}} +{{:brvrbt:ants_circle.mp4|ants_circle }} {{:brvrbt:venda_domba_02.wmv.mp4|venda_domba_tribe}}
-{{:brvrbt:venda_domba_02.wmv.mp4|venda_domba_tribe}} +
-[[:brvbot_videos|data archive]] of relevant videos 
 +\\ \\ \\
 +[[:brvbot_videos_exp|video archive]] with all of the video we used 
 +[[:brvbot_images|image archive]] with all of the video we used 
 +[[https://photos.app.goo.gl/zzCdbC5Zda4byaGA9|workshop gallery]] -** add your photos**
 +{{:brvrbt 2019 present.pdf}},[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cv66APbI_fUhGlblIMx9mWhL6brQCx5wKAPBz0In098/edit?usp=sharing|edit]]
 In this workshop participants will build primitive bots possessing synthetic emotions, exploring the possibility of of emotional connection between man and machines. this animated lifelikes help realize a thought experiment put forth by Valentino Braitenberg, on the matter of synthetic psychology. In this workshop participants will build primitive bots possessing synthetic emotions, exploring the possibility of of emotional connection between man and machines. this animated lifelikes help realize a thought experiment put forth by Valentino Braitenberg, on the matter of synthetic psychology.
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 *Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, and Mechanics. *Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, and Mechanics.
 +{{ :brvrbt:alexander_calder_performs_his_circus_whitney_museum_of_american_art.mp4?500x400|alexander_calder_performs_his_circus }} 
-{{pdfjs 50%,600px> :empathy:vehicles_experiments_in_synthetic_psychology.pdf?page-fit}} [[{{:empathy:vehicles_experiments_in_synthetic_psychology.pdf}}|src]] 
 +\\ \\ \\ 
 +\\ \\ \\
-==== empathy ====+== empathy ==
 ''empathy has few definitions basically "putting oneself in another man's shoes" (Berger). or in more detail: "The capacity to (a) be affected by and share the emotional state of another, (b) assess the reasons for the other's state, and (c) identify with the other, adopting his or her perspective. This definition extends beyond what exists in many animals, but the term "empathy" … applies even if only criterion (a) is met."[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathy|[src]]]'' ''empathy has few definitions basically "putting oneself in another man's shoes" (Berger). or in more detail: "The capacity to (a) be affected by and share the emotional state of another, (b) assess the reasons for the other's state, and (c) identify with the other, adopting his or her perspective. This definition extends beyond what exists in many animals, but the term "empathy" … applies even if only criterion (a) is met."[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathy|[src]]]''
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 === "science" of empathy === === "science" of empathy ===
 +{{pdfjs 50%,600px> :empathy:vehicles_experiments_in_synthetic_psychology.pdf?page-fit}} [[{{:empathy:vehicles_experiments_in_synthetic_psychology.pdf}}|src]]
 but before all was [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Reich|Wilhelm Reich]]\\ but before all was [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Reich|Wilhelm Reich]]\\