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–> creating a tamper-proof system for scientific data by storing an unfalsifiable signature (hash of data + metadata characterizing the scientific equipment, experiment, documentation address/reference and context) in the blockchain.

–> this token stored in the blockchain can then be used to authenticate the original experiment, authors, device used and datasets and certify that it is the original, not a modified copy.

NFT Specification


The basis of this standard is that every NFT is identified by a unique, 256-bit unsigned integer within its tracking contract. This ID number MUST NOT change for the life of the contract. The pair (contract address, asset ID) will then be a globally unique and fully-qualified identifier for a specific NFT within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Content of the Ethereum NFT (ERC721) standard) implementation in a smart contract:
ERC-20 Compatibility (name, symbol, total supply, balanceOf)
Basic Ownership (ownerOf, approve, takeOwnership, transfer, tokenofOwnerByIndex)
Metadata (tokenMetadata:name, image, description, other metadata])
Events (transfer, approval)